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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
IM GAY!! "GAY" in the sense of Happy!
yeah, that title's dumb. well who cares, today's real great after all, lets start from the beginning of the day!

For the whole night yest, i couldn't sleep. Why? Cos i've slept too much in the noon >.>

Well usually, whenever i cant sleep, i would either climb out of my bed and PSP/PC some games, like dota/DJMax. BUT, SADLY, comp wasn't revived yet lolls. So i eventually rolled around my bed from 1am to 3:40am, GREAT ^^

10am... hse phone rang... was still asleeeeeep.....

"Hello, is this Gary?"
"Yes I am."

"Im the repairman from HP PC, Im at ur doorstep."

*flies to my door*

lolls. the minute i received his call, even though i havent got enuff sleep, i flew directly to the door xD and woohoo, he fixed my comp in no time xD well, luckily, my warranty ends like 2 weeks later lolls. got a new RAM and a new HDD from the warranty itself ^^ CHEERS WOOTS ^^ started setting my pc up, and headed off to skool while meeting ben. and and! i finally collected my final year project!


Here's how it looks :)

kewl rite!! hahas~ Handed it to Mr Low straight after i got to his class, luckily he din say much about it, but hopefully i can score well!

hahas and, i had my APA test last week, rmb? xD got back our test papers today, although i weren't there, had asked bin to check my marks for me. Somehow, he lied i got 95 LOL, he had his reasons... i know bin! THANKS XD

but... but... Mr Low jitao lied say i score v badly before he passed me the paper.. but... but.......

FULL MARKS WHEEE~~!!!! hahahas, efforts of studying were paid off, although it was craply easy lolls.

I will study even harder! FOR EXAMS! FOR MYSELF! FOR ALICIA JIE JIE'S MEAL (LOL)! FOR FOR, i dunnoe lolls.

lastly! had been discussing with jenson regarding my new rig. IT fair's coming, and i wasn't quite looking forward due to low flow of cash, and bloody savage din want to pay me zzz..


" Ur cheque is here "

Once again, i flew to the heaven lolls. finally got my pay wooooots~ new rig here i come!! xD

Here's the list xD

RAM - KingSton DDR2-800 HyperX 2x1GB ($104)
GFX - XpertVision GF8800GT HDMI SONIC 512MB ($369)
MB - MSI P35 NEO2-FR P35 RAID w/SOUND+G.Lan 6550 Core2Duo ($465)
PSU - CoolerMaster Real Power M520W ($159)
HDD - WD 500GB-KS/16M SATA2 ($174)
SFX - Creative SB X-Fi XTREME Audio ($96)
Monitor- 22" WS ($399)
ROM - LG SATA 20XDVD-RW Internal Box ($46)
Speaker - Creative GigaWorks T20 ($120)
Casing- CoolerMaster Centurion 5 ($70)
OS- Windows XP Home Edition ($139)

Gay Expensive, kinda lowing down on the budget though!

but still... wheeeee ^^

everything went on sooo smooth today, and soo soo well ^^ lets hope it will, till i finally crappy lay down dead in life :X

*choi* lolls.

alrights, thats probably all, time for... dota? o2? lolls.

still.. missing u. ur face lives on in my heart. till the day u say, its over.

Replenish-Ed @ 12:14 AM

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Hilarious! dead comp ftl.
Kinda.. bored out >.> Tried reformatting my dumb comp 3 days ago, and boom, it crashed while installing some softwares, and hardisk got damaged -____-" couldnt boot up the computer fgs, and tried formatting it again, returned error was : partition setup failed, hardisk irresponsive or damaged.


luckily its still under warranty wewt. saves me money, saves me time ^^ technician's coming down on tues to fix it, i guess. hopefully he brings a new mb, ram, hardisk, or betta still, bring me a new cpu *dreams* ^^. kinda hinted him to bring a new ram and hardisk already, as he'll be installing a new OS anyways lol. lets hope things gets better for my dead comp on tues!

well, muz be wondering. aint my comp spoilt? why am i still blogging :O ray's hse slow net slow comp duh lolz. well, still, its better than nothing. and, im having my FTT tomor!!

Thanks mich for reminding me, as well as waking me up to study for it lolz. kinda, finish 400/750 qns out of the book currently, gonna be reading some more later on as well. wish me luck for a pass eh! ^^

but, well, i wanna dota! i wanna o2! i wanna.... err, drive? lolz. driving was fun! went for my 1st ever lesson on friday, was late for 30min, but he was late too lols. fetched me to a big big carpark where we started off with some basic turnings, stoppings, signalling and checking. was kinda shocked when he said, ok, we can go onto the road now, when we only practised among the carpark for less den 5 rounds? lolls. well, was quite fun on the road though, was stable throghout the journey, from BukitBatok to BukitTimah to ChoaChuKang to BukitGombak. one big big round ^^ well, some of the bad habits i had, was to look at my gear-stick whenever i wanna change gear, causing me to lose concentration on the road ahead, and ending up, steering around a lil lol. but the rest was great! i swear ^^

i wanna o2!! although me and bin stayed up for the night yest to keep me company at a lanshop near his place, i did play some o2 there. however, the stickykeys for the computer was only allowed for maximum 3keys to be pressed at the same time. whichever means, that sucks for o2 lolls.

dota! yeah, we did dota a lil, was kinda fun, as both rounds were owning for us, i think :X den we went on playing some funny funny games, whichever i got hooked onto Elemetal Tower Defence. although i failed completing it 3 times, it was still dam dam fun! ^^ was KO-ed at lvl 52 though :X

well, glad that skool-life had "resumed" to wad it used to be. hope it stays that way :) and probably, if whuever u are, knows whatever u have done, think through about it seriously.

lets talk about work now, pissed~ zzz

went to bujis junction to work on fri and sat. sun was supposed to be included, but somehow, i ran away from it. u would, if u were me as well.

wad NANXING said was : Canon Atruim Roadshow, Bugis Junction.
wad was the truth : Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Kodak, Pentax In-House Booth Show at BHG 3rd Storey.

Atruim and In-House makes a big difference u mother farking bastard. I hate it when people arent true about their words zzz. Since thats what he did, yeah i'll repay him, i gave Canon ZERO sales for both days i were there.

and what was seriously dumb was, the booth was placed right beside children's wear, and cutlery corner. WHU THE FARK goes to BHG to by cameras?!!?!? AND WORST OF ALL, AT THE KITCHEN SECTION?!?!

farking dumb savagemanmedia zzz, and farking dumb posh photos zzzz.

irritated by dumb people zzz.

and what seriously irritated me too was..:

NANXING SAID : Gary, 6-9 March, u will be on OFF.

i knew why, cos he didnt want any more people in for Canon's IT fair. but well, grats alicia jie jie for getting to work there lol.

thanks jim and marcus for fighting a slot for me too, although it failed, but well so be it.

and wtf thing was, NICOL SAID : Gary, 6-9 March u follow me go IT fair sell Pentax.

u know what Nicol, dis is for u _|_ :)

dun take me as a fool, if u wanna waste my time, ill show u how dead im gonna let my sales be.

i'll reject it, for sure. its not like u guys're the only ones available as my agents. dun forget, i still have S**Y poachers, its just about keeping quiet.

lastly, fark u savagemanmedia -.-

curse them for not giving me my pay, and pushing it around ffs.

k end of rampage. lolls.

J8's D Counter finally merged with Ables Counter. Its now called, J8's BDD, Best Denki Digital.

well, aunty and uncle arent that bad, i would wish to go back there, seriously.

and, there's always a reason why i wanna go back to j8. thats probably the main reason..

bin asked " u miss her right? "

he was expecting me to give a grin and say no or maybe joke out of it but NO,

i nodded, "yeah, i do"

there lotsa things i wanna ask and tell her, yet i havent. and, apparently on bin's blog, he wrote thoughts of how a guy would feel when he's in love with a gurl.

read it : http://doicevita.blogspot.com

The post is as below :
Credits, Bin and Bin's fren.

Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.

Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved. Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.

Guys get jealous easily.

Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think.

Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...never mind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.

Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.

Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.

When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."

If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up.

If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you.

When a guy tells you that you are beautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.

When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something.

Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.

A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.

Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.

If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you.

Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible

Replenish-Ed @ 9:42 PM

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
after that real long~


and woots, im updating! ^^

after 8 days from my last post, wow. tons of things had happened, and were meant to be written as well, lets see if i could actually recap everything up ^^

some of the memorable ones eh? hmms...

it was a... SUNDAY! me and bin actually went J8 to study and hang around lols. well, i was the one who chosed J8, as i needa help Francis get his mp3, say Hi to my fellow best denkers, arcade for my stitches! and lastly, to pray to see her again lol. well, out of all, sadly, the last wasn't fulfilled once again. expected though, J8 isnt a place she would come any often since she's not studying there anymore. but well, we had much fun there. haobin actually caught his 1st ever stitch from the machine! and he's like so dam enthu over it, *CRAZY* i shall call it lol. den we went studying at coffeebean, whichever for the 3 hours + we were there, we only managed to cover 1 chapter++, cos we were spending the time chit chatting instead lmao. games and etc etc etc, u know :)

next? hmms, well as the END OF YEAR projects deadline are coming soon. i've been rushing much on my LED project, 1/2 way through it now, just need solder the LED's on the base, and do some wrapping over it, make sure it stands... TADA! ill be done! well and since bin havent really started much on it, i sumhow planned a LED tamiya car for him lols. quite nice, lets see how much he could comply on it. ill post pictures of our final products once they're done! ^^

how about, yesterday and today? ^^ for the one and only once in my life. i was mugging like one real toad lolz. well, definitely, studying isnt that real hard for me, since i absorb things kinda fast, i just need the motivations needed to keep me going :) but yeah, my efforts were well paid off, today's test were craply SOO DAMM EASY such that, im expecting a full marks lol. unless, i'll get a careless mistake or two, too bad :X but well, imma put in my efforts for this END OF YEAR's GPA! watch out! im coming! ^^

and woo, i somehow editted my skin again! its using navigations now! ^^ well, don't really ask how i did it, i just simply copied someone's and edit it, thats all. i r nub at html still lolls. but well, ill improve! multimedia network technology! here i come ^^

was o2-ing for a while yest, and while i was playing Canon NX5, some crazy speed for a moderate crazy song, some real "high lvled came". the picture shows it all.

ahdagary-LVL18 -___-", thats me. kiko1986-LVL100, MusicHito-LVL80

kinda scary when a lvl 100 and a lvl 80 steps in lolls. well to be true, they arent really that perfectly pro somehow. just probably they've played kinda long enough to rmb the notes, im not way far from them either ^^ well, o2 isnt about lvl as well. its more about music skills and wobbly fingers :X

and im home early today! woots lol, finished test, and MR LOW cancelled the following afternoon lesson due to a meeting. kinda sleepy for the day, as i woke up quite early too. but well, ill probably be napping later too ^^ bin asked for a swim later on, still considering hmms, kinda.. tired to do so lolls. probably not in the mood >.> soz :X

and oh yeah, japanese fever!

隣どおし あなたとあたし さくらんぼ!
Tonari doushi anata to atashi sakuranbo!
You and me, we're a pair. Just like Cherries on the same stem!

Ai Otsuka - Sakuranbo
Rated : 5/5

Video on blog!

and and, <3 Misa Amane! :X

thats all! signing off~ probably... o2 or bed time! hahas!

oh and and, since i cant open my mouth to say it.


Replenish-Ed @ 1:37 PM

Sunday, February 17, 2008
j8's legend! family re-union!
although i was quite disappointed during the reunion, not becos of sam nor yulong. its becos when alex shouted "hey guess who's here!" the 1st to came onto my mind was her lolz. heart was thumping real fast. and boo, samuel popped out :X but well, i've misssed him much too :X he's a great bro of mine k!

well well lets see, a great reunion of the J8's LEGENDARY "POKEMON! -___-||".. err uhm k forget it, forget the legendary lolz. its just a re-union of Me, YuLong and Samuel! likewise to the picture as below :

kewl rite, well, samuel's like botak now lolz. not much changes in yulong as well. but well, my hair got much shorter lolz. we're the legends kay! legends of lotsa things lolz. legends of... :

1> taking more than 1 hour for our lunchtime when its only limited to 1 hr lolz.
2> 3 of us disappearing from digital counter for no reasons.
3> samuel likes to shop with his dear gf gervin during working hours lolz.
4> gary likes to play the piano during working hours lolz.
5> yulong, he doesn't really leave his workplace during working hours much but.. he watches movies played on the dvd players too much lolz.

nice rite? lolz. but but..

1> yulong, SONY legend of closing 3 HIGH-END camcorders in one day.

2> samuel, BEST DENKI legend of "know-it-all".

3> me?, ill be humble :X CANON's nub :X

lolz, i guess the most memorable one for me would be serving 15 PEOPLE at one go, closing 5 printers, 3 cameras in one go.

but although me and yulong are from different companies, we're like rivals in name, but good brothers in hand. serious! ever seen us working tgt? u'll laugh :X cos we'll be like closing cameras for each other :)

well, treated yulong pastamania though, was fine with me :) thats my way of life. he treated drinks back then :X

sales wasn't that bad seriously, but i had my fair joy of fun there, including piano! woots, i touched the piano again! i miss u piano! :X and played my beloved RongZuEr's HuiZheChiPangDeNuHai piano version :) few staffs stands behind me and watched, made me so paiseh lolz.

went home with benson though, waited for him at bishan mrt while he sent yuanling back. seriously, i missed those days when i walked her to the bus stop, touched her head, mess with her hair, squeeze her cheeks, and smile. so ya, i was looking around while waiting for ben to arrive, but to no avail :X

u won't be forgotten, never >.>

lets talk about saturday, it was way so kewl! why? cos i stayed home all day long with my dumb sister lol. well, she was like doing her homework and msn-ing the whole day while i was like..



here are some great pictures.

lol, its a nice anime after all, watched it when i was young too LOL. most imptly, i actually finished all 70 episodes from season one to season two in one day lol. i could even memorise wad she says to release the key to the wand lolz.

"The key which hides the power of the Dark.
Show your true powers before me.
I, Sakura, command you under our contract.

hahaha~ :X

watched this anime from like 12pm-2am lolz, sis was like nagging like shyt cos she's been hearing jap language from this anime until she sianz lol.

but well lets talk about today now den.. MONDAY! SKOOLDAY!!

and well... i failed to wake up to head for JPI's lesson though, was way too tired as i was designing my dumb blog's skin yest. still not v v good at it but, well its still something xD colors arent that nice yet though >.> gonna edit more later xD

but wad seriously was frustrating was that, after finishing up yest's work, i actually forgot to save the file as .PNG format, and actually jpeg-ed it. which farking destroyed everything, causing me to re-do them again today -.- well, today's one nicer too xD :X

back to topic lolz, well went to 2nd lesson, thinking that apa starts at 11 anyways, but wth, lesson was cancelled due to a prize giving ceremony. then i recalled, benson told me theres a ceremony tomor lolz, and he's actually taking a Good Behaviour Award -____-" kaoz, he also everytime bo go skool, still can take lol.

but well, glad for him too ^^ was quite dumb when i went skool and did no educational stuffs at all. went to dad's place after skool to help out as he needs to settle some problems. while bin actually sacrificed and accompanied me throughout lmao. was hard on you bin :( xD

well, was kinda boring there, bin nearly fell aslp lolz. but well, we ate alot duh. i ate like a bowl of noodles, 1 ice kachang, 2 cups of bandung, and shared a plate of carrot cake with bin lolz. while he solo-ed 2 cups of bandung too, 1 ice kachang, and shared the carrot cake lmao.

we're crazy eaters >.>

well, he had a reason too to be there with me, rite bin? :X
ren yi shi feng ping lang jing, tui yi bu hai kuo tian kong :)

went home shortly around 430, as i couldnt stand the boredom there. well, i know dad's gonna be unhappy about it but, well, there isnt much of any people there anyways, and that cow aunty was like gonna come down to help out in another hour or so.

headed home, and started on my skin! after my bath, of cos. finally finished it at 8pm! woots lolz. gonna be messing with the colors lata on too :) but well, waiting for bin to be up, for o2jam! HAHA, haven't been playing for like 4 days already, wonder if i lost touched lolz.

well thats probably all, we'll see if bin's improved with his o2jam :) hope he does lolz. ^^

Replenish-Ed @ 11:48 PM

Friday, February 15, 2008
cramps and aches
cramps and aches, yes. but NO, im not having any menses ffs lol. its just because of vigorous physical training done, like push-ups and swimming for the day. im 1/2 dead, almost >.>

having a headache too, im hex-ed and confused. hmms. lets talk about the details of today.

woke up around 10am in the morning, first thing that came to my mind was.. o2jam! "nah", NOPE, its not o2 :) its my course appeal, had to call up ITE IT HELPDESK to reset my password as i lost it. then went to appeal for my year 2 course. but well, right after i've done that, a bad news came to my hp.

this was the details of the sms.

"This is urgent, are u gary?"
"ya u are?"

"derek, ur classmate. mr low debarred u from apa exam, u need to appeal"
"k noted"

wtf? lolz.

de-barred, again :)

poor attendance rules i guess -____-" well i've been heading to school much more than last semester though. but well, my grades have been deproving alot alot. bin told me to buck up hmms, i guess i would :X

den went to o2 with bin for a long while before heading to batok swimming complex for a good swim. not really a good swim, as i've already been having cramps and aches from yest's push-ups and etc. but well, i definitely swam more than haobin, he's more like sitting in the water -____-" swam a few small laps, stamina fell like lead baloons though >.>

well, after swimming and bathing, went to dad's place for dinner with bin. he bloody doesn't eat duck lolz. but well its ok, dad's was gonna close soon too, almost finish selling everything lolz. ate a nice bowl of "sa bo mian", and shared a plate of carrot cake with haobin while he solo-ed his chicken chop lol.

went to timah afterwards! lolz. no doubt, to hangout with the comps there. well i was seriously more interested in o2jam than dota. but well didn't want binbin to feel bored lolz.

i'd have my own problems too. its just probably, the ascents that im feeling right now. bin should know why i always like to play o2jam/piano/any dumb music related game when im down. seriously, music is the only thing i can turn to when i wanna run away from something.

yes im running away from my thoughts, but be it. once bitten, twice shy. i don't want history to repeat himself and get myself into bruises and stitches.

and ffs, be it ur an elder of mine, don't, i repeat DON'T order me around like a retarded. im retarded for someone, not you. big fark u could drive. i earn my own farking money, read my lips.

yes im having a bad mood, im not feeling very well. i don't need any company, any compliances. i just seriously hope, u could really sense or maybe think how i feel now.

once is enough, seriously.

be back soon bin, i need some music games lolz.

now i really wished i had a piano, i swear ill be on it every single moment.

im running, from every single moment.

change my thoughts, its not that difficult.

Replenish-Ed @ 11:49 PM

2am now, 2 hrs passed valentines. how was it? lets call it, energy exertion day lolz.

no, i din spend any energy on any gurls, so stop with those dirty thoughts. merely practised my 180" flip and hand stand. so kinda tiring, hands are a lil cramped now, muscles aching a lil bit too. did tons of pushups, near hundreds maybe.

well, was quite a bad day actually. morning was supposed to report to work at BJ for a atruim roadshow. bloody canon farked up again, and was told the roadshow was postponed till next 2 weeks. "wtf?" made me skip test and skool just for work and such bloody things cocked up. well definitely, i rushed back to skool by cab, nicol paid though lol(he'd better pay zzz). but farking Mr muhammad disallowed me to take the test as there wasn't enough time. even though i was late for the lesson, he maeked me ZERO for attendance. that seriously pissed me real off. was trying to chill in the morning all the way through lunch at cafe. felt better after a nap though.

went to CD, Mr low wasn't there for lesson too either. was quite sleepy in the beginning, only returned to my stuffs and continued my new circuit board after haobin started doing too lol.

typically, its valentines. there would definitely be flowers there from jenson to eve, as expected. but well, EXPECTED too, they quarreled over small lil things again. >.> not to go into details but, seriously heed my advice. Jen, control ur temper plz.

appreciated eve for not blowing up and staying cool all the way, proud of her, seriously.

went home str8 after skool, o2jam-ed my way till i fell aslp lol. well i don;t have a date, makes no fault in sleeping then lolz. had a dream though lolz, seriously, a nice one :)

has to do with her, of cos.

but well, its just a dream -_____-"

woked up by mich's sms, over her injured toe. well, there's ray to send ya around already though lol.

went back to bed after that, woke up after a while, bathed, and went back to o2!

wad really made my day was, bin actually dl-ed o2jam and wanted to play with me. lolz. he didn't believe my standards in the 1st place but well, he did at the end :X

wad was shocking is, he actually enjoy-ed the game lolz. i think he did, he's showing off his 2 masterpiece to me lata xD

got bored, so went on net to search scores, and happened to saw RongZuEr's acoustic version of WoDeJiaoAo. view-ed though some videos over peeps whom played the piece on the piano and video-ed down, trying to find the correct chords that im playing too. finally found one that was almost exactly the same, cept i think mine was abit wrong though. and well, the player actually had a "Canon In D Major" video too. and thats the piece i was playing either lolz. well, she's a good player, i swear :)

den dl-ed the english and cantonese version of WoDeJiaoAo, quite nice. well this is already a nice song, no doubts about it.

mich called, un-expectedly lolz.

w/e -___-"

well o2jam time. skipping skool tomor, with binbin! "his idea" and we're going swimming! WOOTS. long time since i last swam, lets see how i'll flubble in the water tomor k? lol.


Replenish-Ed @ 2:05 AM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
thats me =)
yawnage. thats what i've been doing for the past few days. jus so "un-enough-ed" sleep for the past few days, although i was taking lotsa noon naps :) well, sleep would never be enough for me, thats just what's gonna carry on till i die :)

yeah, im gettin better at html's! much better duh lolz. finally gettin to hang of it, just need some lil more practise and trying to learn how to mess with the background too. messed with the layouts, and fonts and texts. even songs too! :)

and yeah, i've chosen multimedia network technology as my 2nd year's course, since thats what im really interested in, who cares whether its gonna be useful or not :)

lets talk about skool :)

monday's skool was.. sleepy lolz. i slept for most of the lessons, even for jpi. was late for the presentation, although jen woke me up at 7, i overslept >.> rushed for my bath and headed off to skool, heard the presentation was crap lolz. disappointed >.> oh well >.>

i flung my test again! lol. thats really spastic. well, i know i could study, in the form of my understanding power, but oh well, where'd my motivation go anyways. motivation, thats probably what imma need.

tuesday weren't any better, class starts at 2pm. well 2pm, thats like "wow thats more than enough sleep for anyone else". yeah it was, luckily michz did sms me to wake me at 1:20pm, or else i wouldn't really know what time i would really wake at lolz. im a real sleepyhead. i swear -____-"

saw some of edison pictures, was quite disappointed in some lil things, like Gillian (twins ah jiao), she's an idol of mine, while i really liked twins though lol. and well, hao bin was like lauhging at the size of edison's "d**k". well yeah we all know its small, but well, seriously i'd really ask, does big mean anything? lolz.

irritated when im disappointed with Gillian already and hao bin drags Hebe in for no reason. (i'd wanna kill him) lolz. stop insulting Hebe already!! :X

well and also, bin did a dumb thing, he got a big rampage from me because of that, which i won't really go into details. but seriously binbin, this time, u really did a wrong choice. be it if its not gonna be a relationship, its the thought that counts.

well, whu knows whats really gonna happen on vday for me this year. i don't really know anyways. plans were crashed like 1 month back already. well, those plans were real nice, yulong and samuel knew it. i've told them what i wanna do for her. thats seriously the reason im bloggin today. had asked myself, was seriously doing these stuffs for her worthy after all, or what i was doing was actually dumb lolz.

lets make this, a dream, or probably, an imagination.

i'd asked her out, i'd asked her to close her eyes. i would draw a big heart shape using sparkling powder (fireworks), one thats big enough for both of us to be in. then i'll lit the fireworks up, where the heart shape would start sparkling, and i'll turn on the song "AiQingMaQiDuo (by BangBangTang)", she likes it, so do i. i would sing. the lyric's are meaningful, very. i would ask to hug her.


thats the end of the imagination. i don't want to, but i know i have to.

its over, i know.

never once, u left. but u never knew.

but well, i hope its seriously a new beginning. a very good one. since we never began, thou shall never call it an "ending". it just never began. but it'll be remembered. it will always be.

back to work :)

well, canon still owes me a big sum of money, of which im needing quite a lot though lol. after the big payment i made, im short of cash. and dad's like not giving me money anymore, im eating my own, living on my own now.

he does owe me a sum of money, but well no, im not gonna ask for it.

nanxing called, asked me to help my "en ren" alfred out from thurs to sunday. kinda told him i cant in the beginning, cos i don't wanna pon thurs again. but well agreed in the end, cos its alfred whom really help me into canon, and.. i don't really have a date on thurs anyways. i wished i had one though, either lol.

well im still not sure about it, i wouldn't wanna spend my vday working either.

movie's with mich tomor, ahlong pte ltd hmms. lolz. hope its gonna be nice. well we'd share the same thoughts, so lets see whether we'll chill out tomor lolz. hopefully my recommended places would suit ya :)

thats probably all, on the fone time. i guess. :) good nite all, have a sweet nite be4 vday reaches lol.

i miss piano :X hands are gettin real itchy rawr.

gonna be buying a comp and my piano tgt :)

Replenish-Ed @ 12:14 AM

aH Da :/
teH LinKs ^^
MEMOrieSs (: